Turn the city in to art through creative graffiti and street art
What happends when you let street and graffiti artists loose on the streets and let their creativity flow?
Let’s find out with some before and after photo’s of creative art pieces in the streets.
Want to start now with graffiti?
David Gunderson
Hey, I'm David - graffiti nerd extraordinaire! I've been enthralled with street art since I was a kid gazing up at subway cars. Graffiti spoke to my creative spirit. I had to know more. I started photographing hood tags, watching artists work, studying styles. Graffiti became my obsession! I backpacked through cities capturing mad burners. Got to pick the brains of OG writers and new jack paint slingers. The art floors me daily. I created Graffid to share this passion. Let's vibe on rad art together!
All Posts by David